Week's Most Read: Half dollars in circulation

The U.S. Mint shipped 6.2 million 2021-D Kennedy half dollars to the Federal Reserve for distribution into general circulation.

Images courtesy of the United States Mint.

Each week, we publish at our website select content from the print issue of the week’s Coin World as well as content written primarily for the online audience. 

Here are five of our most-read articles from the past week, in reverse order.

5. Public submits ideas for American Women quarters: The National Women's History Museum sought suggestions for women to be featured on future quarters and received 11,000 suggestions for worthy subjects.

4. Morgan, Peace dollar expert sells assets and intellectual property: Morgan dollar expert Michael S. Fey has acquired the numismatic assets and intellectual property previously held by Leroy Van Allen. 

3. Sales fall for bronze medals after 2021 price rise: It shouldn't be a surprise that sales figures plummeted when the U.S. Mint raised prices on bronze medals for the first time in 11 years.

2. Monday Morning Brief for Dec. 13, 2021: A columnist retires: After six decades of providing informative columns for the enjoyment and education of readers, Q. David Bowers has retired.

1. Mint ships two-thirds of 2021 half dollars to FED: There are 10 million 2021 half dollars in circulation, with another five million offered as numismatic products from the Philadelphia and Denver Mints.

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