Mint lifts order limits on Reagan Chronicles set

The U.S. Mint removed the household order limit for the 2016 Ronald Reagan Coin & Chronicles set Oct. 27.

Collectors may now order as many sets as they want from what remains in the Mint’s inventory of the maximum authorization of 150,000 sets.

The sets went on sale at noon ET Oct. 11, priced at $68.95 each, with ordering restrictions of one set per household. As of the time restrictions were lifted, the Mint had recorded sales of 29,166 sets.

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The set contains:

? One Reverse Proof 2016-S Ronald Reagan Presidential dollar coin struck at the San Francisco Mint. The Reverse Proof dollar is exclusive to the set.

??One Proof 2016-W American Eagle 30th Anniversary silver dollar with incuse 30TH ANNIVERSARY edge inscription. President Reagan signed into law the 1985 legislation, Title II of Public Law 99-61, Liberty Coin Act, approved July 9, 1985, authorizing the American Eagle series.

??One Ronald and Nancy Reagan bronze congressional medal. This 1.5-inch medal is a bronze duplicate of the congressional gold medal authorized in 2000 for President and Mrs. Reagan. The obverse was designed and sculptured by then U.S. Mint Sculptor-Engraver John Mercanti and the reverse by then U.S. Mint Sculptor-Engraver Donna Weaver.

??One authentic engraved Ronald Reagan presidential portrait produced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The engraving is an integral part of the packaging.

??One 2016 Coin & Chronicles Set Ronald Reagan booklet including images from his life and presidency.


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