Monday Morning Brief for Feb. 26, 2024: The right design

The space program is a suitable representative of innovation for Florida.

Image courtesy of the U.S. Mint.

As a Florida resident for the past 25 years, I read Paul Gilkes story (page 10) about the proposed designs for the state’s American Innovation dollar with great interest. From its beginning, America’s space program has caught the attention and imagination of the world. From grainy black and white images of Neil Armstrong and his historic lunar steps over 50 years ago to the current Artemis project to celebrate America’s return of man to the moon, the space program has symbolized Florida innovation in a technology and history sense.

A few of the coin designs in the American Innovation dollar program have been a stretch, in my view, but not this time.

It looks like Florida (and to a degree, Texas) gets its just due with this design.

It’s enough to motivate a purchase. I’ll have to have some of those.

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