Modern carvers adding to hobo nickel legacy

Modern carvers of Indian Head 5-cent coins are bringing their artistic talents to the forefront as avid fans of hobo nickels continue to enter the hobby.

Images courtesy of Original Hobo Nickel Society.

The world of modern hobo nickels is expanding, with an increasing number of present day carvers bringing their artistic talents to add to what collectors can put into their collections. 

The spring 2014 issue of Bo Tales, the official publication of the Original Hobo Nickel Society Inc., includes a number of articles illustrating the latest contributions to the body of work known as hobo nickels. The host coin for the carver's work is often an Indian Head 5-cent coin, commonly called a Buffalo nickel.

Collectors of the modern-day works of arts are also enamored with the works of some actual hobos who crossed the country hitching rides on the nation's railways, primarily in the 1920s through 1960s. Many of these "original" hobo nickels were traded in exchange for a meal or a night's lodging.

Collectors interested in the latest journal and what the Original Hobo Nickel Society has to offer may visit its website at

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