How did an elongated coin make it into a bank roll?

Found in Rolls column from Feb. 13, 2017,  issue of Coin World:

I’ve recently entered the world of those individuals involved with Twitter. Twitter, of course has become one of the most popular forms of social communication on the internet. A “tweet,” once an onomatopoetically used word to indicate one syllable of a sound uttered by an American goldfinch, is now the term used as a verb or noun to label a message sent or received on Twitter.

A tweet that I received from a new follower posed some very interesting questions. A follower, BTW (By The Way) is a person that basically signs on to see any messages that I post to my Twitter page. The questions were: “Can you still get rolls of coins to look through?” and “What denomination of coins should I get first?” 

The answer to the first question was an easy one to provide: Yes! 

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You can still get rolls of coins at almost any bank or credit union. You simply have to ask for them and if the bank has them available, they are usually happy to provide them for you. 

The second question required a more complicated answer. A good deal of roll searching success is dependent upon knowing what to look for as you examine the contents of each roll of coins. If you are only looking through rolls of cents to find a few Wheat cents now and then, the likelihood is that you will quickly get pretty bored. If, on the other hand, you include finding die varieties or errors among  your goals, your efforts may be more rewarding.

If you want to find silver coins in rolls, you would do better by trying to get half dollar coins to search through rather than quarter dollars or dimes. Even today, it is more common while roll searching to find silver composition halves than it is to find silver coins of other denominations.

The unexpected can also be discovered in a roll! Found between two half dollars in a hand wrapped roll was this elongated cent. Pressed on a copper-plated zinc Lincoln cent, this souvenir is the result of the coin being squeezed between rollers in a machine designed to produce this effect. Featuring an image of Dr. Seuss’ “Cat in a Hat” as the central device, the words “Universal Studios” and “Islands of Adventure” are seen above and below the image. 

Depending upon your collecting interests, you can decide what denomination of coins you would like to search through. Let me know what turns up as you search through rolls! You can email me at or tweet me @foundinrollscw.


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