Week's Most Read: Mint numbers Philadelphia Mint-struck silver bullion coins
- Published: May 15, 2020, 9 AM
Each week, we publish at our website select content from the print issue of the week’s Coin World as well as content written primarily for the online audience.
Here are five of our most-read articles from the past week, in reverse order.
5. Perfection demanded for 2019-W American Liberty gold: Unless perfect, 2019-W American Liberty gold $100 coins, still on sale at the U.S. Mint, sell for less elsewhere.
4. Nationwide cent census proposed: Cent specialist Charles Daughtrey proposes a crowd-sourced 2020 survey sampling the millions of Lincoln cents in circulation.
3. Zanzibar bank notes dominate in Dallas Heritage auction: Considered rare to scarce, these notes tend to rise to the top when offered for sale at auction.
2. Federal Reserve shipping old style $100 notes: Banks receive mixed bundles of $100 notes, including Series 1996 through 2006A, sent to meet increased cash demand.
1. Mint details Philadelphia output of 2020 American Eagle silver bullion coins: Assisting West Point Mint, Philadelphia Mint coined 240,000 pieces, identical but for shipping label.
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