BEP offers Founding Fathers Currency set for 2016

The newest release in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing’s Premium Product series was scheduled to go on sale at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time March 29. The new issue is America’s Founding Fathers 2016 Currency set. Each set features a Series 2013 $1 note from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a Series 2013 $2 note from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas with the usual portraits of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, respectively. The notes in each set have matching serial numbers, with the first four digits, 2016, representing the year of the set’s issue. The set is packaged in a color tri-fold folder with a clear, acid-free, polymer sleeve to protect each note.

A limit of 25 sets per household order will be imposed during the pre-release period of March 29 to April 18. Household purchase restrictions are waived after that. The offer is limited to 5,000 sets. 

The price is $21.95 for a single set or $18.95 apiece for quantities of 50 or more. 

The set is offered during calendar year 2016 only.

For additional information about the BEP or to purchase products, visit BEP products can also be ordered by telephone to 800-456-3408; by fax to 888-891-7585; or by mail to Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Mail Order Sales Department, 515M, 14th and C Streets SW, Washington, DC 20228.

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